Posted by: Kalorintschi
Working with leading experts on DNA origami and Astronautics

In addition to the amazing support of the Airbus Kiwi team, we are very thankful to have leading experts on both DNA origami technology and Astronautics from the Technical University of Munich working with us.

To find the right experimental approach and perform the demanded pre- and post-studies we are working at the Institute for Biomolecular Nanotechnology together with Prof. Hendrik Dietz and his PhD students.
In addition to making their high tech laboratory available to us, they also support us with their extensive know-how in the field of DNA origami.
The researcher’s goal at the Dietz Lab is to build molecular devices and machines that can execute user-defined tasks using the DNA origami technique.
The DNA origami technique already enables building complex nanostructures and nanodevices like a nanoscale rotary apparatus!
In the long term they want to contribute to the creation of molecular machines and systems that have practical benefits for everyday life, including potential uses in medicine – for diagnosis and therapy – and the production of synthetic enzymes.
Watch the TED talk to find out more:
For the development of the Hardware we are closely working together with the Chair of Astronautics (lead by former Astronaut Prof. Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Walter) to meet all necessary requirements for a working experiment in microgravity. This gives us the possibility to invent a state-of-the-art setup with leading experts on space technology and systems engineering.
We are very grateful to be supported by TUM chairs world-renowned in their field and to be able to realize this exciting project together with them.
Your Space Origami Crew
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